Board Commissions
About the Board Commissions:
- Commission on Life and Growth shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for the development of a sound program of evangelism for the general spiritual care of the congregation and for co-ordination of all non-youth auxiliaries and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Worship, Art and Music shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor in matters pertaining to the public worship of the congregation, and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Synodical Activities shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for keeping the congregation informed of the World Mission of the congregation so that funds will be available for that purpose and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Youth Activities shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor to develop the youth program in the congregation, coordinate the work of its youth auxiliaries and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council
Commission on Parish Education shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor to promote adult education and operate youth education programs [Sunday School & Vacation Bible School] and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Finance shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for the congregation’s development in accordance with scriptural principles of stewardship and for the raising of funds and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Day School shall have the special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor to operate the schools of the congregation and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Women’s Activities shall have the special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for the coordination of Westchester Lutheran Church Women activities with that of the congregation and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Property Management shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for the care and maintenance of the physical property of the congregation and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
Commission on Christian Service shall have special responsibility under the supervision of the Pastor for development and operation of a program for stewardship of time and talent of the members of the congregation and shall make recommendations thereon to the Church Council.
If you are interested in being part of any of the commissions, please contact the church secretary, Karina at